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9 Common Misconceptions About Social Media Marketing

9 Common Misconceptions About Social Media Marketing
9 Common Misconceptions About Social Media Marketing

As Social Media expands its reach to every strata of Indian society, more and more marketers are focusing on it, tapping its humongous potential. But, as a thing becomes big and complex, misinterpretations of the information is bound to occur. Following is a list of misconceptions regarding social media marketing. We have tried our level best to sort out all of them:

Only if your post is viral than, it makes some sense in social media marketing: Social media can also be used to build your reputation slowly and steadily. It’s not only about huge companies like Flipkart or Snapdeal with millions of views and likes. There are also multiple brands which steadily built their social profile through organic traffic , like Voylla and TVF Pitchers.

Social Media is all about immediate abundant results : Instant likes and views, in thousands is not the only key to success in Social media. Producing and sharing quality niche-specific content, in the form of blogs, posts or animations, on a regular basis, will also build up your reputation significantly, in the desired sector.

My targeted customers are older than a general user on social media: Not True, a whopping amount of people, above 50 years of age use social media. So, age doesn’t matters, only the engagement power of your post does.

Google Plus is not worth it:

Marketers should thought Google Plus as more of a tool for increasing your organic traffic and audience in Google. It also helps your brand to get mentioned in the knowledge graph. The results in Google’s SERP also include brands which have more +1’s in Google Plus.

Twitter is for Bollywood Stars/Politicians:

Big misconception, I must say! If you specifically concentrate on a specific niche hashtag (#) relevant for your enterprise, and post timely tweets for it, then it will definitely get in-trend eventually.

More Posting means more Campaign Reach:

Facebook’s Edge Rank algorithm tends to favor singular posts that have higher engagement rates. Posting too often may mean to segregate your likes, comments and shares among multiple posts, resulting in less user interaction at one particular post. So post less, but whatever you post must be compelling enough to drive shares.

Posting Should be on all the Social Media Networks:

Specializing in a singular social medium, with consistently increasing the level of expertise, is a much preferred option, instead of getting your fingers in multiple social platforms and getting nothing substantial out of any of them.

Paid campaign is the ‘Brahmastra’ of Social Marketing:

Many of the marketers think that paid campaign is that booster dose of injection, which will lead to instant sales and huge amount of traffic to your site. Although not wrong, but it is not completely true either. If paid campaign is not run accurately (for instance say, wrong targeting of audience group or geo-location preferences) it can lead to loss of money and yet no sales/lead generation at all.

There is no need to produce specialized and powerful Content:

Bill gates once said “Content is the King”. This is true to the helm of generating traffic through social media. Content is the most non-spammy and natural way of generating traffic which finally generate leads for our business. So, please start focusing on quality content from toady itself.

Conclusion: I think all your myths about the synergy of social media engagements have been busted in the above article. Now, work with this newfound energy, berserked, to drive crazy amount of traffic to your social presence.

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